A company of the Ahlbach family..
DE | EN | IT | PL | RU | SRB-CRO -.

Seek help
find trust

We also support you in your lan­gu­a­ge

When we say goodbye to life, we deserve your trust

We want to understand you and your wishes - anytime, anywhere

Often the death of a loved one strikes us unexpectedly. In addition to great grief, people feel a great helplessness when they come from another country and yet the funeral is to be organized in Germany. In the case of bereavement, AHLBACH, the family business, accompanies you and understands your language, the wishes of your culture and your religious convictions. For generations, AHLBACH in Cologne has stood for demanding standards, proven quality, competence and credible humanity. Openness and reliability are the foundations of our work.

In addition to burials in Cologne, we also offer you transfers of your deceased to the home country. You can say goodbye personally in our rooms before and also use our own funeral hall for funerals in your own language and tradition.
Talk to us in your language! Because we know that the mourning for a beloved dead unites all people, in all cultures, languages and nationalities.

„Memories are always special. Sometimes we laugh by rembering the days, we cried. And we cry by rembering the days we laughed. That’s life.“

In folgenden Organistaionen sind wir Mitglied
Bundesverband Deutscher Bestatter e.V.
Bestatterverband Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kuratorium Deutsche Bestattungskultur
Deutsche Bestattungsvorsorge Treuhand AG
Wir führen das Markenzeichen für den höchsten Qualitätsanspruch
Kollektivmarke des BDB e.V.